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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Advantages of Exercise on your Skin

The primary reason why people go the gym and exercise is to burn fat and build muscles. But do you know that regular exercise does not just benefit your heart and your muscles but your skin as well? You do not always meet people in your dance class or in the gym who make sweating out as part of their skin care routine. However, studies suggest that regular physical activity such exercising can improve the skin’s complexion. According to experts, exercise can prevent the development of acne and the early signs of aging such as skin sagging and wrinkling. That means by exercising regularly, you can be sure to have healthy and beautiful skin at all times.
Not all people realize that regular exercise is very essential for the improvement of the skin’s health. Through exercise, the circulation of blood in your body is improved, and so is the provision or both oxygen and nutrients to the cells in your skin. Exercise also promotes heavy sweating, which is very important for the flushing out of toxins and wastes from your body. Sweating itself helps cleanse the skin’s pores so that it becomes free from dead cells, dirt, and sebum. Experts advise people to take a bath right after heavy sweating as it helps get rid of bacteria from the skin and eliminate bodily odor.
Dehydration is very common to people who loves to exercise a lot. During exercise, your body loses a huge amount of fluid, which should immediately be replaced to keep the skin and other organs of the body well hydrated. Drinking water also promotes the excretion of bodily wastes, which is essential in keeping the skin and body in top shape.
Not only is exercise beneficial to your skin and muscles, it also plays a role to improve your general well-being. The ability of physical activity to boost the mental health has been well documented, and today, we all know that exercise is one of the best stress busters and mood lifters. Every time you exercise, your brain releases what we call endorphins, hormones that help you feel good for long periods of time. This is the reason why exercise is perfect for people who are suffering from depression or stress. Too much exercise can be bad for your health too. Aside from overexerting your muscles from long periods of intensive trainings, you can also compromise your immune system by going to the gym every single day without rests in between. Scientists who conducted a study on several volunteers found out that moderate exercises can actually boost the immune system, but overdoing it can result to the opposite. Your body has limits so learn to recognize them and stick to simple routines that you can perform without putting your health at risk.
Whether you are a child or an adult, exercise should be part of your daily activity as it is crucial not only for the development of your bones and muscles but for the improvement of your skin’s complexion. You don’t necessarily need to register to the nearest gym but simply set aside a few minutes of your time each day for exercise or some physical activities.

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